Certificates and Memberships – High Quality Engineering Excellence
We are committed to high quality engineering. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and strive for performance excellence in all our battery solutions.
We are committed to high quality engineering. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and strive for performance excellence in all our battery solutions.
LION Smart is characterized by innovative products and first-class services.
The satisfaction of our customers is our top priority. Thanks to our initial certification to ISO 9001:2015 in 2017 and regular audits by an external body, our customers can rely on a functioning quality management system.
Quality and safety-relevant activities are planned, controlled and monitored throughout.
In this way, we ensure that legal and official regulations are complied with in addition to the quality requirements of our customers.
Through continuous improvement processes, we work every day to constantly raise our standards.
For LION Smart GmbH, confidentiality, availability and integrity of information have a very high value. For this reason, we have taken extensive measures to protect sensitive and confidential information.
By participating in a TISAX® assessment VDA, LION Smart GmbH has expanded its existing management system according to ISO 9001 to include the aspects of information security and upgraded it to an integrated management system with the areas of quality and information security. A high standard with regard to information security is an important prerequisite for cooperation with manufacturers, suppliers and service providers, especially in the automotive industry. This is demonstrated by participation in TISAX®. In doing so, we are guided by the questionnaire on information security of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA ISA).
TISAX® stands for “Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange” and is a standard defined by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) for corporate information security (VDA ISA). To view the TISAX® test result exclusively via the ENX portal, please contact us for the necessary access information at info@lionsmart.com.
TISAX is a registered trademark and governed by ENX Association.
If you have any further questions about our TISAX® assessment or other inquiries about information security, please contact us at info@lionsmart.com
LION Smart GmbH is a member of the Association of German Engineers (VDI), the largest technical-scientific association in Germany, which represents the common interests of its members.
The VDI thrives on the commitment and cooperation of its members and places professional practice, as well as professional exchange, at the center of its work.
LION Smart GmbH is a member of the Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE). The association is one of the largest associations in Europe and combines science, standardization and product testing.
For more than 125 years, the VDE has been committed to safety and progress in electrical engineering and the technologies based on it.
LION Smart GmbH is a registered training company with the IHK and offers the best opportunities for motivated employees with long-term future prospects.
The IHKs in Germany are institutions of the economy for the economy and contribute to improving the conditions for prosperity and growth.