Die LION E-Mobility AG hat heute, mit Verweis auf den Beschluss der Generalversammlung vom 30.06.2015, eine weitere genehmigte Kapitalerhöhung mit einem strategischen Investor in Höhe von EUR 250.000,- zu einem Kur von EUR 8,00 pro Aktie abgeschlossen.
Das Jointventure TÜV SÜD Battery Testing GmbH konnte seinen Umsatz im Geschäftsjahr 2016 weiter steigern
Garching, Germany – January, 13th 2017 – LION Smart GmbH, a subsidiary of LION E-Mobility AG has received approval for a 300.150 Euro grant by the Bavarian government.
Zug, CH – December 18, 2016. Linear Technology together with design partner LION Smart, a subsidiary of LION E-Mobility AG, will demonstrate the industry’s first wireless automotive battery management system (BMS) concept car at the Consumer Electronics Show CES, Jan 5 -8 in Las Vegas
Zug, CH – November 8, 2016. Linear Technology together with design partner LION Smart, a subsidiary of LION E-Mobility AG, are demonstrating the industry’s first wireless automotive battery management system (BMS) concept car at the Electronica Show this week in Munich, Germany (Booth 524, Hall A4).
LION Smart has been selected by its partner Kreisel Electric to equip Kreisel Electric’s home storage “Mavero” with the necessary battery management system.
LION E-Mobility AG is proud to announce that its German subsidiary LION Smart GmbH has become an official supplier of the world’s largest car manufacturer Toyota Motor Cooperation and has also succeeded in gaining its first order.
LION Smart GmbH has successfully completed the technology transfer project cMALEESS (Cloud-based Monitoring and Analysis for Lithium-Ion Electrical Energy Storage Systems).
Garching, Germany – June, 22nd 2016 – Die LION E-Mobility AG is pleased to announce that its German subsidiary LION Smart GmbH has received a new order in the field Prototyping & Development. The order with a volume of 760 TEUR will become effective 2016 in revenue terms.

Office: +49 (0)89 360 363 210
Email: info@lionsmart.com
LION Smart GmbH
Parkring 11-13
85748 Garching bei München