The Swiss Holding LION E-Mobility AG (WKN: A1JG3H, Ticker: LMI, Reuters: LMIG.MU) announces that its German subsidiary company LION Smart GmbH has received an order amounting to 1.6 million Euro in the second quarter of 2015.
In the fiscal year 2014 LION Smart GmbH, a subsidiary of LION E-Mobility AG, managed to increase its turnover by 103%.
The Swiss holding LION E-Mobility AG (WKN: A1JG3H, Ticker: LMI) is pleased to announce that due to orders received at its German subsidiary LION Smart GmbH, a strong increase in revenues and profits of the Group is expected in the current quarter 2014.
LION Smart GmbH, a subsidiary of LION E-Mobility, has recently filed a patent for an electric vehicle contactor under the title “electric contactor for an energy storage of electric vehicles” at the German Patent and Trademark Office in Munich.
LION E-Mobility AG (Symbol: LMI, ISIN: CH0132594711, WKN: A1JG3H, Reuters: LMIG.MU) announces its listing and admission to trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Open Market on 07/04/2014, after successful admission to the market segment m: access of the Munich Stock Exchange.
Die LION E-Mobility AG (WKN: A1JG3H, Ticker: LMI) freut sich ihren Aktionären mitteilen zu können, dass eine Barkapitalerhöhung der Beteiligungsgesellschaft TÜV SÜD Battery Testing GmbH durch die Gesellschafter TÜV SÜD AG und LION Smart GmbH am 05. Dezember 2012 beschlossen wurde.
LION Smart GmbH (“LION Smart” or the “Company”), Tester of lithium-ion batteries and developer of battery packs and battery management systems, is pleased to announce that the expansion of its battery lab to 180 m² at the location Frieding, near Munich, was completed successfully.
LION Smart GmbH, tester and developer of lithium-ion batteries for industrial applications, has successfully concluded its second private placement and expects closing in early 2010.
LION Smart GmbH (“LION Smart” or the “Company”), tester and developer of lithium-ion batteries for automotive applications, has successfully finished its start-up phase.
A freshly built lab has enabled lithium-ion battery tester and developer LION Smart to begin testing electric storage devices. Outfitted with the latest equipment, the new lab has 8 test channels, which means its scientists can design testing procedures with utmost flexibility.

Office: +49 (0)89 360 363 210
Email: info@lionsmart.com
LION Smart GmbH
Parkring 11-13
85748 Garching bei München