A powerful, reliable and safe energy storage system can improve trust in electric vehicles (EVs). To overcome the limitations of traditional battery systems, LION Smart has developed a proprietary new battery concept. This new development will raise the bar due to the absence of internal cabling and a highly sophisticated safety concept.
LION Smart GmbH is participating as a cooperation partner in the Project SENSE BAY for secure energy storage. The network project “SENSE BAY – Sichere Energiespeicher Bayern” aims to strengthen the technology transfer between science and industry.
https://lionsmart.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/LION-Smart-Logo_transparent-300x99.png00LION Smarthttps://lionsmart.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/LION-Smart-Logo_transparent-300x99.pngLION Smart2018-05-22 15:33:352021-02-11 18:24:54LION Smart participates as Cooperation Partner in the Project SENSE BAY
Das neu entwickelte LMM18 mit dem brandneuen LTC6813-Chip von Analog Devices dient einer präzisen und schnellen Spannungs- und Temperaturmessung für Systeme mit mehr als 12 Zellen je Modul. In Verbindung mit dem LION Control Module (LCM) kann das Batterie-Management-System zukünftig für Hochvolt-Systeme, Industrieanwendungen sowie für stationäre Anwendungen eingesetzt werden.
https://lionsmart.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/LMM18-1.5-1-300x200-1.jpg200300LION Smarthttps://lionsmart.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/LION-Smart-Logo_transparent-300x99.pngLION Smart2018-05-17 15:30:052021-02-11 18:27:20LION Smart gibt technische Details über das LMM18 bekannt
LION Smart GmbH is expanding its product portfolio in the field of battery management systems. The two new products LLVS and LMM18 have completed important milestones in the development process.
As a longtime partner of Linear Technology, LION E-Mobility AG is pleased to announce that a cooperation agreement has been signed with Analog Devices (ADI).
https://lionsmart.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AdobeStock_340877989.jpeg11241920LION Smarthttps://lionsmart.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/LION-Smart-Logo_transparent-300x99.pngLION Smart2018-05-07 15:21:362021-02-12 16:52:22LION E-Mobility AG signs Cooperation Agreement with Analog Devices Inc.
The changes in sales revenue and net income are related to BMS contingents not being ordered by a serial customer as well as to an increase in development and personnel costs, particularly for the recently introduced LIGHT Battery technology.
https://lionsmart.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/LION-Smart-Logo_transparent-300x99.png00LION Smarthttps://lionsmart.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/LION-Smart-Logo_transparent-300x99.pngLION Smart2018-03-05 15:12:592021-02-12 16:54:09LION E-Mobility invests in eliso GmbH, the expert for charging infrastructure
Major investments in the new flagship product LIGHT Battery, whose completion will result in a quantum leap for battery technology and the e-mobility sector were among the main reasons for significant changes.
New battery concept “Light Battery” – modular, safe and wireless
Company News05.06.2018
A powerful, reliable and safe energy storage system can improve trust in electric vehicles (EVs). To overcome the limitations of traditional battery systems, LION Smart has developed a proprietary new battery concept. This new development will raise the bar due to the absence of internal cabling and a highly sophisticated safety concept.
LION Smart participates as Cooperation Partner in the Project SENSE BAY
Company News22.05.2018
LION Smart GmbH is participating as a cooperation partner in the Project SENSE BAY for secure energy storage. The network project “SENSE BAY – Sichere Energiespeicher Bayern” aims to strengthen the technology transfer between science and industry.
LION Smart gibt technische Details über das LMM18 bekannt
Company News17.05.2018
Das neu entwickelte LMM18 mit dem brandneuen LTC6813-Chip von Analog Devices dient einer präzisen und schnellen Spannungs- und Temperaturmessung für Systeme mit mehr als 12 Zellen je Modul. In Verbindung mit dem LION Control Module (LCM) kann das Batterie-Management-System zukünftig für Hochvolt-Systeme, Industrieanwendungen sowie für stationäre Anwendungen eingesetzt werden.
LION Smart expands product portfolio
Company NewsLION Smart GmbH is expanding its product portfolio in the field of battery management systems. The two new products LLVS and LMM18 have completed important milestones in the development process.
LION E-Mobility AG signs Cooperation Agreement with Analog Devices Inc.
Company News07.05.2018
As a longtime partner of Linear Technology, LION E-Mobility AG is pleased to announce that a cooperation agreement has been signed with Analog Devices (ADI).
Update zum LIGHT Battery Konzept
Company News27.04.2018
Die LIGHT Battery hält Antworten für Schlüsselfragen der Elektromobilität bereit.
Final Annual Figures 2017 for LION Smart GmbH and TÜV SÜD GmbH
Company News29.03.2018
The changes in sales revenue and net income are related to BMS contingents not being ordered by a serial customer as well as to an increase in development and personnel costs, particularly for the recently introduced LIGHT Battery technology.
LION E-Mobility invests in eliso GmbH, the expert for charging infrastructure
Company News05.03.2018
The Stuttgart-based company handles the complete installation of charging stations for businesses and private individuals.
Preliminary Yearly Figures 2017 of LION Smart GmbH
Company News28.02.2018
Major investments in the new flagship product LIGHT Battery, whose completion will result in a quantum leap for battery technology and the e-mobility sector were among the main reasons for significant changes.
Preliminary IFRS Annual Figures of TUEV SUED Battery Testing GmbH
Company News07.02.2018
The TÜV SÜD Battery Testing GmbH joint venture was able to further increase its turnover by December 31, 2017.