Extension of battery test lab: module tests up to 200A
LION Smart GmbH (“LION Smart” or the “Company”), Tester of lithium-ion batteries and developer of battery packs and battery management systems, is pleased to announce that the expansion of its battery lab to 180 m² at the location Frieding, near Munich, was completed successfully. The company offers single cell tests at 0 – 5 V and up to 10/120A as well as module tests at 0 – 60V and up to 200A (up to 12 kW). The module tester also allows the use of 16 additional voltage sensors. Furthermore, the testing capacity for single cell tests has been increased by 50%.
LION Smart positions itself as a specialist in the testing of larger modules. Tests in conjunction with battery management systems are possible as well. List prices for the testing of cells, modules and batteries in the battery lab of LION Smart can be requested from Harald Seemann anytime at: tobias.mayer@lionsmart.com. As part of the German ZIM program LION Smart receives market-oriented technology funding from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) since February 01, 2010 for the development of a proprietary battery management system.