Invitation to the extraordinary general assembly of LION E-Mobility AG


Dear Shareholders,

We would like to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of LION E-Mobility AG on 03May 2019 at 2 p.m., Poststrasse 14, 6300 Zug, Switzerland (premises of lawyer lic.iur. Stephan Kamer).

To insure your voting rights, please submit a current bank confirmation stating the number of shares and their restriction for sale up to and including 3 May 2019.

Please inform us of your participation in good time so that we can include you in our planning.

Below you will find the items on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting:

Agenda Topics: 

I. Determination of Attendance and Appointment of the Chairman

II. Election of the Governing Board:

a) Proposal of the Board of Directors: Elect Mr. Ian Mukherjee, born on 27 October 1962, residing at in Lansdowne Road 52, W112LR, London, UK, as a     new member of the Board of Directors for a period until the end of the next Ordinary General Assembly

Information by the Board: In case Mr. Ian Mukherjee is elected as new member of the Board of Directors, the current Director Mr. Martin Specht has declared his resignation. The Board of Directors will remain with the same amount of registrated members.

Baar, 08. April 2019

The Board of Directors of LION E-Mobility AG